@inproceedings{ring2024development, title={Development and Validation of the Collision Anxiety Questionnaire for VR Applications}, author={Ring, Patrizia and Tietenberg, Julius and Emmerich, Katharina and Masuch, Maic}, booktitle={Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems}, pages={1--13}, year={2024} } @inproceedings{graf2024impact, title={The Impact of Emotional Virtual Characters on Emotional State and Player Experience in VR Horror Games}, author={Graf, Linda and Emmerich, Katharina and Liszio, Stefan and Masuch, Maic}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games}, pages={1--13}, year={2024} } @inproceedings{sykownik2023vr, title={VR Almost There: Simulating Co-located Multiplayer Experiences in Social Virtual Reality}, author={Sykownik, Philipp and Karaosmanoglu, Sukran and Emmerich, Katharina and Steinicke, Frank and Masuch, Maic}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems}, pages={1--19}, year={2023} } @article{graf2022development, title={Development and Validation of a German Version of the Player Experience Inventory (PXI)}, author={Graf, Linda and Altmeyer, Maximilian and Emmerich, Katharina and Herrlich, Marc and Krekhov, Andrey and Spiel, Katta}, journal={Mensch und Computer 2022-Tagungsband}, year={2022}, publisher={ACM} } @inproceedings{Sykownik.2020, title={Like in the Good Old Times, but Virtual - A Case for Simulating Co-located Multiplayer Games in VR}, author={Sykownik, Philipp and Emmerich, Katharina and Masuch, Maic}, booktitle={Extended Abstracts of the 2020 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play}, series={CHI PLAY 20 EA}, year={2020}, location={Virtual Event}, publisher={ACM}, keywords={multiplayer games, virtual reality, co-located gaming, online gaming, social presence} } @inproceedings{Sykownik.2019b, author = {Sykownik, Philipp and Emmerich, Katharina and Peketz, Jochen and Masuch, Maic}, title = {{Blending Science and Practice: A Collaborative Approach for Evaluating the Value of Heart Rate Measurement }}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play - CHI PLAY 2019}, year = {2019}, } @book{Emmerich.2019, year = {2019}, title = {{Investigating the Social Player Experience: Social Effects in Digital Games. PhD Thesis}}, publisher = {{DuEPublico, University of Duisburg-Essen}}, editor = {Emmerich, Katharina}, url = {https://duepublico2.uni-due.de/servlets/MCRFileNodeServlet/duepublico_derivate_00070898/Diss_Emmerich.pdf} } @inproceedings{Krekhov.2019, author = {Krekhov, Andrey and Cmentowski, Sebastian and Emmerich, Katharina and Kr{\"u}ger, Jens}, title = {{Beyond Human: Animals as an Escape from Stereotype Avatars in Virtual Reality Games}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play - CHI PLAY 2019}, year = {2019} } @inproceedings{emmerich2018m, title={I am Glad You Are on My Side: How to Design Compelling Game Companions}, author={Emmerich, Katharina and Ring, Patrizia and Masuch, Maic}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 2018 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play}, pages={141--152}, year={2018} } @inproceedings{Krekhov.2018, author = {Krekhov, Andrey and Cmentowski, Sebastian and Emmerich, Katharina and Masuch, Maic and Kr{\"u}ger, Jens}, title = {{GulliVR: A Walking-Oriented Technique for Navigation in Virtual Reality Games Based on Virtual Body Resizing}}, pages = {243--256}, publisher = {{ACM Press}}, isbn = {9781450356244}, editor = {Mueller, Florian Floyd and Johnson, Daniel and Schouten, Ben and Toups, Zachary O. and Wyeth, Peta}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play - CHI PLAY 2018}, year = {2018}, address = {New York, New York, USA}, doi = {10.1145/3242671.3242704} } @inproceedings{Emmerich.2018, author = {Emmerich, Katharina and Masuch, Maic}, title = {{Watch Me Play: Does Social Facilitation Apply to Digital Games?}}, pages = {1--12}, publisher = {{ACM Press}}, isbn = {9781450356206}, editor = {Mandryk, Regan and Hancock, Mark and Perry, Mark and Cox, Anna}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI 2018}, year = {2018}, address = {New York, New York, USA}, doi = {10.1145/3173574.3173674} } @inproceedings{Sykownik.2017, author = {Sykownik, Philipp and Emmerich, Katharina and Masuch, Maic}, title = {{Exploring Patterns of Shared Control in Digital Multiplayer Games}}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, booktitle = {{14th international Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology}}, year = {2017}, adress = {London, UK} } @inproceedings{EmmerichK.MasuchM..2017, author = {Emmerich, Katharina and Masuch, Maic}, title = {The Impact of Game Patterns on Player Experience and Social Interaction in Co-Located Multiplayer Games}, publisher = {ACM}, editor = {Schouten, Ben and Markopoulos, Panos and Toups, Zachary and Cairns, Paul and Bekker, Tilde}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play - CHI PLAY 2017}, year = {2017}, address = {New York, NY, USA} } @inproceedings{LiszioS.EmmerichK..2017, author = {Liszio, Stefan and Emmerich, Katharina and Masuch, Maic}, publisher ={ACM}, title = {{The influence of social entities in virtual reality games on player experience and immersion}}, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games}}, year = {2017}, adress = {Hyannis, Massachusetts} } @inproceedings{Krekhov.2017b, author = {Krekhov, Andrey and Emmerich, Katharina and Bergmann, Philipp and Cmentowski, Sebastian and Kr{\"u}ger, Jens}, title = {Self-Transforming Controllers for Virtual Reality First Person Shooters}, pages = {517--529}, publisher = {{ACM Press}}, editor = {Schouten, Ben and Markopoulos, Panos and Toups, Zachary and Cairns, Paul and Bekker, Tilde}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play - CHI PLAY 2017}, year = {2017}, address = {New York, New York, USA}, doi = {10.1145/3116595.3116615} } @inproceedings{Krekhov.2017, author = {Krekhov, Andrey and Emmerich, Katharina and Babinski, Maxim and Kr{\"u}ger, Jens}, title = {Gestures From the Point of View of an Audience}, pages = {5284--5294}, publisher = {{ACM Press}}, isbn = {9781450346559}, editor = {Mark, Gloria and Fussell, Susan and Lampe, Cliff and Schraefel, M. C. and Hourcade, Juan Pablo and Appert, Caroline and Wigdor, Daniel}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI 2017}, year = {2017}, address = {New York, New York, USA}, doi = {10.1145/3025453.3025641} } @incollection{Emmerich.2016c, author = {Emmerich, Katharina and Bogacheva, Natalya and Bockholt, Mareike and Wendel, Viktor}, title = {Operationalization and Measurement of Evaluation Constructs}, pages = {306--331}, publisher = {{Springer International Publishing}}, isbn = {978-3-319-46152-6}, editor = {D{\"o}rner, Ralf and G{\"o}bel, Stefan and Kickmeier-Rust, Michael and Masuch, Maic and Zweig, Katharina}, booktitle = {Entertainment Computing and Serious Games: International GI-Dagstuhl Seminar 15283, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, July 5-10, 2015, Revised Selected Papers}, year = {2016}, address = {Cham} } @incollection{Emmerich.2016d, author = {Emmerich, Katharina and Bockholt, Mareike}, title = {Serious Games Evaluation: Processes, Models, and Concepts}, pages = {265--283}, publisher = {{Springer International Publishing}}, isbn = {978-3-319-46152-6}, editor = {D{\"o}rner, Ralf and G{\"o}bel, Stefan and Kickmeier-Rust, Michael and Masuch, Maic and Zweig, Katharina}, booktitle = {Entertainment Computing and Serious Games: International GI-Dagstuhl Seminar 15283, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, July 5-10, 2015, Revised Selected Papers}, year = {2016}, address = {Cham} } @book{SchmidtR.EmmerichK.MasuchM..2016, author = {{Schmidt, Ralf and Emmerich, Katharina and Masuch, Maic}}, year = {2016}, title = {{Forschen und Lehren mit der Gesellschaft: Community Based Research und Service Learning an Hochschulen: The Science Behind: Ein Projekt im Rahmen der Initiative zur Unterstuetzung krebskranker Kinder und Jugendlicher in Langzeittherapie}}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag} } @incollection{EmmerichK.MasuchM..2016, author = {{Emmerich, Katharina and Masuch, Maic}}, title = {Game Metrics for Evaluating Social In-game Behavior and Interaction in Multiplayer Games}, publisher = {ACM}, booktitle = {International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE 2016)}, year = {2016}, address = {Osaka, Japan} } @incollection{EmmerichK.MasuchM..2016, author = {{Emmerich, Katharina and Masuch, Maic}}, title = {The Influence of Virtual Agents on Player Experience and Performance}, publisher = {ACM}, booktitle = {ACM SIGCHI Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY)}, year = {2016}, address = {Austin, Texas}, doi = {10.1145/2967934.2968092} } @incollection{Gansohr.2016, author = {{Gansohr, Carina and Emmerich, Katharina and Masuch, Maic}}, title = {Hold me Tight: A Tangible Interface for Mediating Closeness to Overcome Physical Separation}, publisher = {EAI}, booktitle = {8th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment (Intetain)}, year = {2016}, address = {Utrecht} } @incollection{Schmidt.2015e, author = {Schmidt, Ralf and Emmerich, Katharina and Schmidt, Burkhard}, title = {{Applied Games -- In search of a new definition}}, publisher = {Springer}, isbn = {9783319245881}, editor = {Chorianopoulos, Konstantinos and Divitini, Monica and Baalsrud, Hauge J. and Jaccheri, Letizia and Malaka, Rainer}, booktitle = {{Proceedings of International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC)}}, year = {2015} } @incollection{Masuch.2015, author = {Masuch, Maic and Emmerich, Katharina}, title = {{Digitale Spiele}}, publisher = {{Beltz Juventa}}, isbn = {978-3-7799-3342-7}, editor = {Dadaczynski, Kevin and Schiemann, Stephan and Paulus, Peter}, booktitle = {{Gesundheit spielend f{\"o}rdern: Potenziale und Herausforderungen von digitalen Spieleanwendungen f{\"u}r die Gesundheitsf{\"o}rderung und Pr{\"a}vention}}, year = {2015} } @inproceedings{Emmerich.2014, author = {Emmerich, Katharina and Liszio, Stefan and Masuch, Maic}, title = {{Defining Second Screen Gaming: Exploration of New Design Patterns}}, publisher = {ACM}, editor = {Chisik, Yoram and Geiger, Christian and Hasegawa, Shoichi}, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE 2014)}}, year = {2014}, address = {New York, NY, USA} } @incollection{Emmerich.2014b, author = {Emmerich, Katharina and Masuch, Maic and Schmidt, Ralf}, title = {{Digital Entertaining Health Applications: Researching the Fundamentals of a Cause-Effect Relationship}}, isbn = {978-1-4503-3314-6}, booktitle = {{Workshop on Designing Systems for Health and Entertainment: What are we missing? (ACE)}}, year = {2014} } @book{GansohrC.EmmerichK.MasuchM.BasuO.GrigullL..2014, author = {{Gansohr, Carina and Emmerich, Katharina and Masuch, Maic and Basu, Oliver and Grigull, Lorenz}}, year = {2014}, title = {Creating Age-Specific Interactive Environments about Medical Treatments for Children and Adolescent Patients Diagnosed with Cancer}, publisher = {{Springer International Publishing}}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-05972-3{ extunderscore }15} } @incollection{Schmidt.2014, author = {Schmidt, Ralf and Emmerich, Katharina and Basu, Oliver and Grigull, Lorenz and Masuch, Maic}, title = {{Wolkenlos -- eine Initiative zur Unterst{\"u}tzung h{\"a}mato-onkologisch erkrankter Kinder und Jugendlicher}}, publisher = {{Schattenhauer Verlag}}, isbn = {ISSN 1617-0288}, booktitle = {{Kinder und Jugendmedizin 2/2014}}, year = {2014}, address = {Stuttgart} } @incollection{Schmidt.2014b, author = {Schmidt, Ralf and Emmerich, Katharina and Freidank, Carola and Masuch, Maic}, title = {{Serious Games: Unterhaltung, aber mit Lerneffekt}}, pages = {275--279}, volume = {6}, publisher = {{Georg Thieme Verlag}}, isbn = {1439-2569}, booktitle = {{JuKiP}}, year = {2014}, address = {Stuttgart}, doi = {url{10.1055/s-004-28163}} } @inproceedings{Emmerich.2013, author = {Emmerich, Katharina and Masuch, Maic}, title = {{Helping Friends or Fighting Foes - The Influence of Collaboration and Competition on Player Experience}}, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games}}, year = {2013} } @incollection{AlbertoFuchslocherKatharinaEmmerichMaicMasuchNicoleKramer.2012, author = {{ Fuchslocher, Alberto and Emmerich, Katharina and Masuch, Maic and Kr{\"a}mer, Nicole}}, year = {2012}, title = {Social Health Games for Wellbeing: A Methodological Approach}, booktitle = {Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS)}, address = {Newcastle, England} }