Last Wednesday a student development team presented their work on “Anxiety Storm”, a digitally supported prevention program against performance anxiety in primary schools. After six months hard work they pushed the digital prototype to an advanced state that gives future groups a head start and opens options to evaluate the project in schools. Print materials such as documentations, exercises and a concept for the integration of “Anxiety Storm” support the in-class use and open doors for discussions with teachers and school authorities. We thank all participants and supporters of the project so far, especially the Albert-Schweizer primary school in Ratingen and the department of school psychology, Düsseldorf. For more information on the project, visit http:/ (in German) or contact  read more ››

We kindly invite you to our colloquium on the 2nd of December, 16:00 in LE 222. Agenda:  -"VR for Kids - Entwicklung eines graduellen Interaktionskonzepts für kindgerechte Virtual Reality Applikationen" (Thesis Presentation of Jasmin Kirchhübel). -"Gestaltungsrichtlinien für immersive Multimedia-Applikationen zur Ablenkung von Patienten während medizinischer Behandlung" (Thesis Presentation of Marvin Holtermann). - Final Presentation of the Lab Course "Leistungsangst"   Everyone who is interested in these topics and the work of our team is welcomed to join the colloquium!  read more ››