[UPDATE] Research semester WS 2016/17
Dear Students, due to many requests, we want to give you the following information about the cancellation of the lecture Multimedia Systems in next winter semester (WS16/17):Prof. Masuch will have a research semester and therefore the lecture as well as the tutorials will not be offered. Hence there will not be any events that could be visited and there will not be any possibility to acquire bonus points. In the examination period of the winter semester (WS16/17) a regular re-exam for Multimedia Systems will take place, which will be related to the contents of the last course (WS15/16 lecture + tutorials). The form of the examination is not fixed yet and it depends on the number of participants. It could be a usual written exam, but we reserve to do an oral exam instead. The exam in WS16/17 is especially for students, who have already visited the lecture in a past semester and who have been taught the contents of this lecture. Bonus points, that were collected in WS15/16, exceptionally remain unchanged (Because there is no possibility for a new acquisition) and will be applied for the exam in this winter semester. We are obligated to provide the examination for all students, therefore also for students, who have never attended the lecture before. There will not be any extra materials. But we explicitly discourage to write the exam without any previous experience. If you want to participate in spite of having any previous experience, it is your own responsibility to study the contents of lecture and tutorials on your own. You can send a mail to Katharina Emmerich to ask for the access key to the old Moodle course with all the learning materials. We regret your inconveniences, that result in this situation, but we could not find any substitute, in spite of intensive efforts.The lecture Multimedia Systems will be regularly offered in winter semester 2017/18. read more ››
Wir suchen dringend noch Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer für unsere Virtual Reality Studie! Es gibt neue Termine! Am Lehrstuhl laufen zur Zeit zwei Studien zu denen wir dringend noch Probanden suchen! In der ersten Studie geht es um die Erforschung von Konzentration in Virtual Reality. Hier haben Sie die Möglichkeit eine VR-Brille (Oculus Rift) zu testen und uns bei unserer Forschung zu unterstützen! Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter folgendem Link. Die zweite Studie befasst sich mit kollaborativen Computerspielen. Zusammen mit einem Freund oder einer Freundin können Sie in Wohnzimmeratmosphäre ausgieb zocken und helfen damit den Masterstudierenden unseres aktuellen Forschungsprojekts! Hier gibt es die vollen Infos. Die Studie ist beendet. read more ››
Game Shairit @ Gamescom
Cologne, 17-21/08/16 The game Shairit, developed by Philipp Sykownik during his Master Thesis, is shown at gamescom 2016. On Friday 9 am - 1 pm visitors of the business area can play it in the Gaming Area of Medienland NRW stand (Hall3.2, C-014/B-015). The stand is a cooperation between Medien Cluster NRW and Film- und Medienstiftung NRW and gives developers from NRW opportunity to get into the games market. More details on the homepage of Medien Cluster NRW. read more ››
Entertainment Computing Group @gamescom 2016
The Entertainment Computing Group will attend this year’s gamescom in Cologne. On Thursday, 18.08.2016, Katharina Emmerich will pitch her PhD-research and the group’s scientific focus at gamescom congress. She will also contribute in a panel discussion about digital game research (14:45 – 15:30, Congress Centrum Nord). read more ››