The Department of Genetic Psychology at Ruhr Universität Bochum (RUB) invited Stefan Liszio to give an overview about his latest research on the relaxing effects of Virtual Reality technology on Monday, 23.10.2017. Since VR technology is not only an entertainment product but a helpful tool for psychologists and stress researchers, many interesting opportunities for collaboration were discussed. read more ››
Paper Presentation @ CHI PLAY 2017
Last week Katharina Emmerich gave her talk at CHI PLAY 2017 in Amsterdam, Netherlands! CHI PLAY is the largest conference focusing on research regarding digital games and a great forum to discuss current trends and research results in the field of entertainment computing and digital games. Katharina presented her current work “The Impact of Game Patterns on Player Experience and Social Interaction in Co-Located Multiplayer Games“ (18th October 2017). Additionally a project in cooperation with the chair for High Performance Computing with the topic VR Controller Interface, was presented through Andrey Krekhovs talk: “Self-Transforming Controllers for Virtual Reality First Person Shooters“. You can download both paper in the ACM digital library for one year free! Therfore, have a look if you are interested at these topics. The Impact of Game Patterns on Player Experience and Social Interaction in Co-Located Multiplayer Games Self-Transforming Controllers for Virtual Reality First Person Shooters read more ››
ECG@LibraryLab Düsseldorf
Philipp Sykownik will visit the recently opened Library Lab in Düsseldorf to present our research topics and teaching approaches to a broader public audience outside the university. Because of our common interest in gaming as a cultural asset that goes far beyond mere playing for fun, we decided to cooperate with the Library Lab in the future. ECG@LibraryLab: 18th of October 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. Düsseldorf Zentralbibliothek Bertha-von-Suttner-Platz 1, Düsseldorf read more ››