Team Update!
Our team has grown! We welcome our newest ECG member Patrizia Ring, who will support us in our research as a research assistant and PhD student. We are also happy to announce that Stefan Liszio has successfully completed his PhD! Congratulations! read more ››
Pingunauten Trainer officially released
Finally, the Pengunaut Trainer is officially released on Google Play and in the Apple App Store!Many thanks to our developers at the nix company for their awesome work and to Child's Play for their financial support!Over the last few months, we've been giving the Pengunaut Trainer a refresh. We have worked on improving the visual quality of the virtual world (light, shadows and textures, new and nicer models), corrected various bugs, reworked the menu and the intro scene.Also, we were finally able to release an iOS version for iPhones in addition to the Android version!We are very happy that we could finally accomplish these tasks and are already looking forward to the next challenge: The production of a French and a Spanish translation.In this spirit: Allons-y, go Pingunautas! read more ››