Prof Masuch was one of the speaker at the "Virtual Reality in der Medizin - kennen lernen und erleben" event at the University of Witten/Herdecke. His talk was about the use of Virtual Reality Games in medicine, introducing our project VR-RLX and the Penguant trainer! Next time you can listen to Prof. Masuch's talk at the "XR Symposium - Virtuelle und erweiterte Realität in der Medizin" in the University Hospital in Essen at the 23rd of August. For more information visit the website.   Linda Graf will also present our new project DEVIA!     read more ››

ECG meets ESA


Last week Prof. Masuch visited the ESA for some interesting new projects! The ESA is the European Space Agency that contains the European Astronaut Center, the central facility for the training of astronauts, located in Köln-Lind. "Wir sind die ESA. Wir sorgen dafür, dass Weltraumforschung allen zugutekommt. Wir bauen und starten Raketen und Satelliten, bilden Astronauten aus, wachen über die Erde, erforschen das All und beschäftigen uns mit der Beantwortung der großen wissenschaftlichen Fragen des Universums." We are very excited what the future will bring us, so stay tuned...     read more ››