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We aim to improve primary school children's learning of mathematics through spatial sensorimotor experiences in virtual reality (VR). In school, mathematical structures are predominantly taught cognitively with abstract-symbolic representations. This poses great challenges for many primary school children. However, not only cognitive but also motor and sensory processes play an important role in learning. VR offers new possibilities to connect concrete spatial experiences of one's own body with mathematical phenomena. Playful interaction can also reduce the fear of making mistakes and encourage interest in trying things out. In this way, we want to offer primary school children an additional or alternative way to gain mathematical understanding. We want to explore this with VR-based tasks for number space concepts on the number line and for understanding the place value system on the decimal system. In the user-centred development process children are to be involved in the user-centred development process. Whether this embodied learning in VR approach will be successful, we want to evaluate in smaller focus group tests in the school to create a basis for further research.
Project Funding
Mercator Research Center Ruhr
TU Dortmund (Fachgebiet Methoden der empirischen Bildungsforschung)
- Marius Grießhammer, M.Sc.
Telefon: +49 203 379 1432
Telefax: +49 203 379 4476
E-Mail: marius.griesshammer[at]
Raum: LE 307