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PRIME is a consortium consisting of DVS Digital Video Systems AG, FLYING EYE, Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute HHI, Fraunhofer IIS, Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf, Kinoton, KUK Filmproduktion, Loewe and the workgroup Media and Computer Science | Entertainment Computing of the University of Duisburg-Essen.
Launching of digital technology in cinemas enables new ways of media consumption. The realistic, three-dimensional illustration of motion pictures and live-events is just one out of many possibilities. Different from 50 years ago the realization of 3D cinema is not connected to restrictions of analog techniques anymore. The worldwide increasing number of Digital Cinema Installations and the great success of 3D movies took the next step in the field of media consumption.
The change of paradigm will consequently take hold in living rooms: The keyword “3D-TV” will make three-dimensional experiences possible for everyone. Both areas 3D-cinema and 3D-TV grew for the most part independently of each other yet. On the one hand screens, that are metres long and on the other hand high definition displays, which bring movies, video games and events into living rooms by the help of digital transmission.
In order to develop pioneering techniques and workable business models for an initiation of the three-dimensional media consumption concerning cinema, TV and games, eight leading firms and research institutions have teamed up to a consortium. Our project “PRIME – Produktions- und Projektionstechniken für Immersive MEdien-“ (PRoduction and projection techniques for Immersive Media) gets support from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy BMWi (
- Dipl.-Medieninf. Ralf Schmidt