ECG VR-TSST - Experimental Stress Induction using Virtual Reality Technology

The Entertainment Computing Group VR-TSST (ECG VR-TSST) is a tool for experimental induction of acute mental stress in the laboratory. It is a VR adaptation of the original Trier Social Stress Test protocol developed by Kirschbaum, Pirke, and Hellhammer (1993). The ECG VR-TSST works with HTC Vive and Oculus Rift.

The ECG VR-TSST has been successfully used to generate high stress levels in several studies (Liszio, Graf & Masuch, 2018; Liszio & Masuch, 2019).

The application is available in the current version 2.3 in German and English and has a modular design. Different tasks for the subjects can be combined. Furthermore, the number of virtual testers can be varied. The ECG VR-TSST also has a logging module.

Further information about the scope and the empirical evaluation of the tool can currently be described here:


The ECG VR-TSST under is the GNU General Public License v3.0.


The ECG VR-TSST can be downloaded from our GitHub page! 

