Eye in the Sky
LK 052
Tuesdays, 10:00 - 12:00
Lab Course (Praxisprojekt)
This lab course is offered in close cooperation between the High Performance Computing Group and the Entertainment Computing Group. The main objective of the Eye in the Sky project is to enable a first- and/or third-person experience by combining a head-mounted display (HMD) with an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). A single or multiple drones track the person wearing the HMD and stream their stereo- or monoscopic video data to the full immersive display in real-time. Oculus Rift, Parrot AR.Drone, and DJI Phantom hardware are available and can be provided for this project. Besides the technical realization the identification of prospective application areas and several perceptual-psychologic and physiological issues that arise from the unconventional setup are a central research interest. Participating students should be enthusiastic about and committed to the project idea. It requires solution-oriented experimenting, hacking, and programming of various hardware devices and innovative software prototypes. The lab course is supervised in close collaboration by both research groups. Students will work in small teams on specific implementations, problems, and issues.
Target Audience
BA Komedia, BAI