VR in Space!


Digital Meetings


Virtual Kick-Off: Tuesday April 21th, 10-12am.


Lab Course (Praxisprojekt)



UPDATE 17th of April regarding the Kick-Off: the kick-off meeting will be conducted as a video call using moodle. We will send an invitation link to the university mail addresses of all KOMEDIA participants, and all BAI students, who are registered for the course in the LSF by Monday 20th of April 5pm..

Information for BAI students: if you want to attend the virtual Kick-Off Meeting, please contact philipp.sykownik@uni-due.de via your university mail address with Kick-Off as subject. Further, register for the course in the LSF using the link provided beneath.

Please take note of our information regarding our lab courses in the summer term 2020:


Description: Like no other technology, virtual reality offers immersive game worlds and a high degree of reality. Most of the virtual game experiences today happen in limited physical space, like your living room.

This lab course will explore the world of large-scale virtual reality by developing a gameful VR application that maps to a large physical space. Students will develop mechanics and tasks, that will enforce users to naturally navigate through this space, while wearing a VR display. Eventually, the developed application will be evaluated by means of a small user study.

Target Audience

BAI, BA Komedia