Forschungsprojekt: „Nonverbale Kommunikation in XR“ (WS24-25)


LE 327


09.10.2024. um 14 Uhr (Kick-Off)


Lab Course (Forschungsprojekt)



The research project will explore which non-verbal forms of communication are particularly relevant in XR and how they can be technically captured. A selection of these non-verbal forms of communication will then be used in a prototypical multi-user XR application to extend an XR application scenario beyond the possibilities of a real situation. For example, the joint attention of several users to an exhibit in a virtual museum could be used to provide further information about it. The application prototype will be evaluated in a user study to test the impact of the approach.


This event is aimed at students in the Masters program. If you are interested in participating in the research project, please send a request by e-mail (stating your field of study and your matriculation number) to Julius Tietenberg. This is not yet a binding application. Further details about the project will be presented at the kick-off meeting. Info: Even though this is a computer science research project, it will be possible to register the project as a psychology research project. We reserve up to four places in the project for students who would like to be particularly involved in the design and implementation of the user study. If you would like to take advantage of this option, please contact us in good time.

Target Audience

MA Komedia, MAI