Bachelor's Thesis

Adaptation of a VR exergame for a physically inactive target group


Marc Pricken

Processing Period:

03.06.2022 - 12.09.2022


Overweight and obesity has become a global health issue. One fundamental cause of it is an increase in physical inactivity due to increasingly sedentary. Exergames represent a possibility to increase the motivation of people in physical activities. Therefore, it is important that the in-game challenges match the target group and their physical ability. For this purpose, an already existing VR exergame called “Rebound Arena VR” will be used and adapted for a physically inactive target audience. Here, the in-game challenges will be modified and new elements to increase the players motivation will be added. To evaluate this, a heart rate monitor will be used. Moreover, a survey on the variables effort, motivation and long-term motivation will be conducted.