Master's Thesis

Development and Evaluation of a VR Exergame with an Emotional Coach to Increase Performance and Motivation


Sophie Abramowski

Processing Period:

20.10.2021 - 20.04.2022


Exergames, especially VR exergames, can increase motivation for physical activity. A common problem is that the level of physical exertion in exergames is not sufficient. Virtual trainers are a promising approach, as they can support an optimal level of exertion and can increase motivation. However, the effect of the emotions of a virtual coach has not been investigated yet, although research in the context of real-world sports shows that there are relationships between the emotions of coaches and athletes as well as their performance. Therefore, the aim of this master's thesis is to implement a VR exergame with 3 different versions of an emotional coach (neutral vs. happy vs. angry) and to conduct a scientific study to investigate the effects on performance and motivation.