Bachelor's Thesis

Integration and evaluation of a social exergame assistant to increase motivation for patients in physical rehabilitation


Kai Wollek

Processing Period:

03.09.2018 - 25.11.2018


High degrees of immersion and motivation can lead to increased training activity levels and thus improving the rehabilitation process. This thesis aims at examining the influence of virtual and real social agents on player motivation, inside an existing exergame for rehabilitation support. For this purpose, an Anki Cozmo is ought to be connected to the gaming mechanics of the exergame Fit The Shape, as well as a virtual 3D model of Cozmo, which will be integrated into the game. Furthermore, an integration of musical accompaniment to increase the degree of immersion and thus presence is targeted. To validate the conceptual idea and examine which version of social agents creates greater effects on performance, engagement, and motivation, an evaluation with student subjects will be carried out.