Patrizia Ring, M.Sc.

Phone: +49 203 379-3929
Fax:+49 203 379 4476
Room: LE 331
Main Research Areas
My research interest lies on the border of augmented and virtual reality. By examining the concept of collision anxiety I try to explore how the fear of colliding with the real world influences the user experience.
Curriculum Vitae
Academic Career and Education
2018 - 2020 |
Study of Applied Cognitive- and Media Science at the University of Duisburg-Essen, degree Master of Science (M.Sc.) |
2012 - 2018 |
Study of Applied Cognitive- and Media Science at the University of Duisburg-Essen, degree Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) |
Professional Career
10/2021 - today |
Researcher at the Entertainment Computing Group |
04/2021 - today |
SCIES - Support Center for (International) Engineering Students |
2018 - 2020 | Student assistant at the Entertainment Computing Group |
- Patrizia Ring, Julius Tietenberg, Katharina Emmerich and Maic Masuch. Development and validation of the collision anxiety questionnaire for vr applications. In Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2024, pp. 1–13. (2024)
- Patrizia Ring and Maic Masuch. Exploring the influence of collision anxiety on player experience in xr games. In International Conference on Entertainment Computing, Springer, 2023, pp. 203–216. (2023)
- Patrizia Ring and Maic Masuch. Measuring collision anxiety in xr exergames. In 2023 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), 2023, pp. 627-628. (2023)
- Katharina Emmerich, Patrizia Ring and Maic Masuch. I am glad you are on my side: how to design compelling game companions. In Proceedings of the 2018 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, 2018, pp. 141–152. (2018)
Supervised Theses
- Type
- Title
- Bachelor's Thesis
- Rotation: Visual design of a virtual environment environment and the effects on orientation (Joshua Schoppe)
- Bachelor's Thesis
- The effects of scene changes in virtual environments on players’ spatial orientation and fear of collision (Patrick Steffan)
- Bachelor's Thesis
- The influence of spatial awareness on collision anxiety in VR exergames (Maurice Schmidt)
- Bachelor's Thesis
- Motivation of hospitalized patients for regular exercise through an immersive virtual environment (Niels Asselborn)
- Master's Thesis
- Making the Little Things Count – Teaching Children Basic Mathematical Constructs in VR (Marius Grießhammer)
- Master's Thesis
- The Influence of Collision Related Player Experience in Co-located vs. Remote Multiplayer VR Puzzle Games (Julius Tietenberg)
- Bachelor's Thesis
- From AR to VR: Development of Design Guidelines for Exergame Development with Reference to Collision Anxiety (Bünyamin Yilmaz)
- Bachelor's Thesis
- Confidence in the Calibration of a VR Exergame with Consideration to Collision Anxiety (Michael Fot)
- Bachelor's Thesis
- Conquering math playfully and body-based - the role of embodied cognition for children learning mathematics (Aurelia Föllner)
- Bachelor's Thesis
- Resistance Training in VR: The influence of size distortion of equally heavy dumbbells on the player´s workout experience (Annika Hemsing)
Supervised Courses
- Type
- Semester
- Title
- Lecture
- WS 24/25
- Multimedia Systems (WS 24/25)
- Lab Course (Praxisprojekt)
- SS 24
- User Experience und Design Guidelines in Virtual Reality
- Lecture
- WS 23/24
- Multimedia Systems (WS 23/24)
- Lecture
- SS 23
- Digital Media (SoSe 23)
- Lecture
- WS 22/23
- Multimedia Systems (WS 22/23)
- Lab Course (Forschungsprojekt)
- SS 22
- ExARgaming